Scrying Mirror
The Black Obsidian Scrying Mirror is a magickal tool for divination and scrying, meaning “to reveal”. They have been used for many years in ancient cultures to communicate with otherworldly forces or as a portal to other realms. Black Obsidian is extremely protective and grounding and will inspire one to delve into any unresolved issues conflicting with their personal or spiritual growth.
Everyone has a natural interest in what the future holds or what a present situation is meaning to inform them. A scrying mirror can show a range of symbols, images and messages that are meant for you, acting as a guide to help you make effective choices that may be minor or a life changing influence on your destiny. Images can be brought up from your personal unconsciousness, allowing you to see communicative keys to guide you in your growth.
Teena, a White Witch of 20 years will be your guide to relay any signs and messages that she may see coming through. Her ability to connect with higher realms will aid you in seeing things that you may not be able to see yourself or fully comprehend. Ask Teena any questions or concerns that you may be experiencing presently or want to know about your past ancestors.